How to craft better prompts. Four reasons we try to change others. Retrospectives.
Journal of discoveries - 20th of January 2024
Welcome to a new issue of the newsletter, “Journal of discoveries.”
Each week, I check a list of hundreds of sources of inspiration to spot exciting articles, videos, podcasts, and books on personal development, leadership, management, technology, and innovation.
While this newsletter will remain a free resource, you might consider becoming a paid subscriber if you want to support my curation work. Thanks!
And now, let’s dive in!
One “must” for this week
"How to craft better prompts". Using a good prompt with generative AI may distinguish between a great and a mediocre result.
A research article and a one-page with twenty-six guiding principles to improve the process of querying and prompting LLM. The researchers found that implementing the prompting strategies produced a stable 50% improvement.
Found thanks to Zain Khan.
Personal development
Four reasons we try to change others
Avoid the second mistake
The secrets of people who love their jobs
Communicating with authenticity
What it really takes to become an executive coach
Use strategic thinking to create the life you want
The infinite wisdom of Charlie Munger
How to craft better prompts
Introducing general world models
Recruiters embrace AI to boost efficiencies and candidate pools
The rise of connector roles in data science
IMD launches Digital Transformation KPI project
Make no mistake: AI is owned by Big Tech
Leadership and management
How to Increase participation in meetings – tips from the experts
Metacognition: a critical leadership & career skill
Leading with laughter: the power of humor in leadership
Managing up: how to manage your manager
Everything starts with trust
One book
“Digital Body Language” by Erica Dhawan.