Sitemap - 2022 - Journal of Discoveries

Health benefits of a random act of kindness. Promoting yourself at work in a good way. Jeff Bezos 2017 letter to shareholders.

The art of active listening, the lean startup methodology, the Einstein principle: accomplish more by doing less.

Leadership: going beyond the task. Endless media. Obvious to you, amazing to others.

Three rules to apply so that everyone will understand you. Five conversations with your manager. ChatGPT: optimizing language models.

How to Communicate with Brevity. Great leadership is a network, not a hierarchy. Do things that don’t scale.

Stockdale paradox: why confronting reality is vital to success. Socratic dialog method for agile leaders. By bots, for bots.

Why leaders don’t learn from success, what to watch in AI, mental models to help you cut your losses.

Put the fish on the table. Why web3 won't go mainstream - yet. Psychological reactance: why you sabotage your own goals.

What’s Stopping you from reinventing your career? That’s an output, not an outcome, 11 things your boss can’t have without YOUR approval

Dunbar’s Number and Team Size, The Power of Anti-Goals, Generative Tech Begins

Great leaders ask great questions, World Digital Competitiveness Ranking, Why Quitting Is Underrated

Does growth mindset work? The turning point for truly open AI is now. Team charters

Cognitive biases, Why bosses should ask employees to do less—not more, The brain loves a challenge: here’s why.

Stop Feeling Guilty About Delegating, A visual simulator of blockchain and tokens, The Steve Jobs archive.

Leaders: stop trying to be heroes, 4 questions for better weekly productivity, Jumpstarting communities through tokens.

Paying for Outcomes, Change the way productivity is valued, Turning around a failing company.

The Business of Gaming, Focus to Win, Is the Great Resignation turning into the Great Regret?

Video is not always the best choice, pretotype, how your brain fills in the blanks with experience.

Tips for having better conversations, Ethereum mainnet merge, how to rebuild social capital.

Letter to your future self, moonshot compost, the ridiculous business jargon dictionary.

Save 60 hours every year, Amazon bought iRobot to see inside your home, is bossware coming?

The art of being alone, the network state, why a compassionate leader is a better leader.

How to be a less stressed leader, the metaverse in 2040, building change resilience.

Cut the meetings and make more friends, the future of futures, what employees do when no one's looking

Naming emotions, impermanence, against all applications.

Don't kill time, humility and self-promotion, data storytelling.

Small actions make great leaders, how to handle interrupting colleagues, compounded luck.

Start with the right problem, boring managers, building a second brain.

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