Hi Roberto! Great newsletter, always. I followed the Job Crafting link above and was taken to Abhijit Bhaduri's LinkedIn article. It features an AI-generated podcast episode about job crafting. (Where we are with this technology at the moment is its own topic, my mind is kinda blown here.) I became curious about who/where these ideas originally came from, so I searched my email for "job crafting" and was led back to your August 24th newletter! This is the one where you feature Susan David's May 24th 2001 original article and ideas on the topic of job crafting! Really glad this looped back around, thanks to past you.

Although I honestly don't know what to make of this AI-generated audio bit — which obviously doesn't give credit to the original authors.

Also, whose voices are these? I must admit, I got chills when I first heard the woman's voice say "Yeah, that feeling of being stuck" — it sounded eerily like my own voice. I'm not suggesting it is mine (although I have talked about feeling stuck on various podcast episodes), but it was a strange coincidence that had me hooked on listening to the rest. There was something about it which also immediately tipped me off to the uncanny valley nature of the conversation.

Anyways, I'm incredibly curious to what you (and others) think about all this?

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Interesting thoughts Kim, I bet it was done with notebookLM, using the blog post itself. I haven't yet experimented with that, honestly does not give me a good "vibe" at this point where I see so much AI generated stuff, and all I want is to see less of that 😊


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100% with you on this!

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Discussion vs dialogue, very interesting! This puts words to what I see going wrong so many times, specifically in politics. Thanks Roberto!

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thanks Hidde 🙏

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I'm looking forward to reading Nicolas Cole's book as I've heard it's a really great introduction to online writing, which (as I see it) is the most effective way to communicate your ideas -- visuals aside of course! Most of the edits I make these days are just trimming off the unnecessary fat.

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interesting Lewis 😊

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