Sitemap - 2024 - Journal of Discoveries

The transformational power of ethical leadership. Zeitgeist inflection. What is machine learning?

Seven questions that changed my life. Why you can't fake leadership. Who profits the most from generative AI?

The surprising truth about emotions in the workplace. AI index: state of AI in 13 charts. Three types of friends.

Five lessons from a conversation with a happiness expert. Work rituals. Convexity and science.

The curiosity matrix. 10 ways to get started in AI. Leadership is a kind of love.

Systems-based productivity. AI helps workers be efficient if they don't "fall asleep at the wheel". Is hybrid work the best of both worlds?

Why micromanage when you can schedule-sync? Beyond the doomscrolling. The future belongs to those who prepare.

You're only as good as your worst day. The rise and fall of giants? The scare them away letter: a recruitment tool.

Disrupt your own narrative. Facilitation toolbox. The future according to Matthew Ball.

How to make better friends at work. Could you benefit from belonging to a peer-to-peer network? How to take the leap of faith.

The restorative power of small habits. The transformative art of authentic relating and facilitation. Collective fallacy: how it can stifle innovation.

Why it's okay to feel sad. Humanising leadership to transform organisations. The promise and challenges of crypto + AI applications.

The single most important parenting (and not only) strategy. Five behaviors of a cohesive team. Sister Corita Kent and the Immaculate Heart art department.

Stop serving the compliment sandwich. Startups vs incumbents in the AI era. Play long-term games with long-term people.

Your strategy should be a hypothesis you constantly adjust. Resisting the refrain of “I’ll be happy when…” and the arrival fallacy. Stanford 10 free AI courses.

The ideal team player. The real product-market fit. Integrity-first business.

Relationship advice from 500 years. AI is under-hyped. A great manager's most important habit: meaningful conversations.

How to craft better prompts. Four reasons we try to change others. Retrospectives.

Luck and leadership. Vitalik Buterin’s techno-optimism. Saboteurs.

Promoting yourself vs promoting your ideas. Teambuilding through laughter yoga. The idea maze.